Electric Heaters
Electric heat modules shall be available
for installation within basic unit. Electric
heater elements shall be constructed of
heavy-duty nickel chromium elements
internally delta connected for 240 volt,
wye connected for 480 and 600 volt.
Staging shall be achieved through
ReliaTel. Each heater package shall have
automatically reset high limit control
operating through heating element
contactors. All heaters shall be
individually fused from the factory,
where required, and shall meet all NEC
and CEC requirements when properly
installed. Power assemblies shall provide
single-point connection. Electric heat
modules shall be UL listed or CSA
Roof Curb - Downflow
The roof curb shall be designed to mate
with the downflow unit and provide
support and a water tight installation
when installed properly. The roof curb
design shall allow field-fabricated
rectangular supply/return ductwork to be
connected directly to the curb. Curb
design shall comply with NRCA
requirements. Curb shall be shipped
knocked down for field assembly and
shall include wood nailer strips.
Economizer - Downflow
This accessory shall be either field or
factory-installed. The assembly includes
fully modulating 0-100 percent motor
and dampers, barometric relief,
minimum position setting, preset
linkage, wiring harness with plug, fixed
dry bulb and spring return actuator. The
barometric relief damper shall be
standard with the downflow economizer
and shall provide a pressure operated
damper that shall be gravity closing and
shall prohibit entrance of outside air
during the equipment “off” cycle. Solid
state enthalpy and differential enthalpy
control shall be field-installed options.
Economizer - Horizontal
This accessory shall be field-installed
only. The horizontal economizer shall
contain the same features as the
downflow economizer with the
exception of barometric relief.
Remote Potentiometer
The minimum position setting of the
economizer shall be adjusted with this
Powered Exhaust
The field installed powered exhaust shall
provide exhaust of return air, when
using an economizer, to maintain better
building pressurization.
Manual Outside Air Damper
Field installed rain hood and screen shall
provide up to 25 percent outside air.
Motorized Outside Air Dampers
Manually set outdoor air dampers shall
provide up to 50 percent outside air.
Once set, outdoor air dampers shall
open to set position when indoor fan
starts. The damper shall close to the full
closed position when indoor fan shuts
High Static Drive
Field installed high static drive option
shall allow the standard motor on the
12½ and 20 ton units to operate with
improved external static capabilities.
Oversized Motors
Factory or field installed oversized
motors shall be available for high static
Control Options
Trane Communication Interface (TCI)
This factory or field installed option shall
allow communication with the Trane
Integrated Comfort
Zone Sensors
This option shall be provided to interface
with the Micro equipped Voyagers and
shall be available in either manual,
automatic, programmable with night
setback, with system malfunction lights
or remote sensor options.
Differential Pressure Switches
These field installed options allow for
individual fan failure and dirty filter
indication. The fan failure switch will
disable all unit functions and “flash” the
Service LED on the zone sensor. The dirty
filter switch will light the Service LED on
the zone sensor and will allow continued
unit operation.
LonTalk® Communications Interface
The LonTalk communications interface,
when installed in a Voyager unit, allows
the unit to communicate as a Tracer™LCI-
V device or directly with generic LonTalk
Network Building Automation System
The CO
sensor has the ability to monitor
space occupancy levels within the
building by measuring the parts per
million of CO
(Carbon Dioxide) in the air.
As the CO
levels increase, the outside air
damper modulates to meet the CO
space ventilation requirements. The CO
accessory kit is available as a field
installed accessory.
Ventilation Override Accessory
With the Ventilation Override Accessory
installed, the unit can be set to transition
up to 3 different pre-programmed
sequences for Smoke Purge,
Pressurization, and Exhaust. The
transition occurs when a binary input on
the RTOM is closed (shorted). This would
typically be a hard wired relay output
from a smoke detector or fire control
panel. The ventilation override kit is
available as a field installed accessory.
Digital Display Zone Sensor
The Digital LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
zone sensor has the look and functionality
of standard zone sensors. This sensor
includes a digital display of set point
adjustment and space temperature in F
(Fahrenheit) or C (Celsius). Includes FAN
and SYSTEM buttons (supports the
service functions of the standard sensor).
E-squared memory stores last
programmed set points. Requires 24 VAC
(Volts AC). This sensor should be utilized
with ReliaTel™ controls.
Dual Thermistor Remote Zone Sensor
This sensor will allow the customer to
reduce the total number of remote
sensors to obtain space temperature
averaging. This sensor should be utilized
with ReliaTel controls.