
General Data
42-80 Tons
Table GD-3. SCWF/SIWF Water-Cooled Self-Contained, 42-80 Tons
Unit Size 42 46 52 58 65 72 80
Compressor Data
Quantity 2/1 2/1 3 3 3/1 3/1 4
NominalTon/Comp 10/15 10/15 15 15 15/10 15/10 15
Circuits 3 333444
Evaporator Coil Data
Rows 3 424346
Sq. Ft. 38.57 38.57 49.09 49.09 49.09 49.09 49.09
Sq. m (3.58) (3.58) (4.56) (4.56) (4.56) (4.56) (4.56)
FPF 144 144 144 144 144 144 144
Condenser Data
Minium GPM w/o Econ 64 64 84 84 102 102 112
Minium liters / sec. w/o Econ (4.04) (4.04) (5.3) (5.3) (6.43) (6.43) (7.07)
Minimum GPM w/ Econ 64 64 84 84 102 102 112
Minium liters / sec. w/ Econ (4.04) (4.04) (5.3) (5.3) (6.43) (6.43) (7.07)
Maximum GPM 142 142 186 186 226 226 248
Maximum liters / sec. (8.96) (8.96) (11.73) (11.73) (14.26) (14.26) (15.65)
Evaporator Fan Data
Quantity 1 111111
Size (Dia. - inches) 25" 25" 25" 25" 27.5" 27.5" 27.5"
Size (Dia. - mm) (635) (635) (635) (635) (698.5) (698.5) (698.5)
Minimum HP 7.5 7.5 10 10 10 10 10
Minimum kW (5.59) (5.59) (7.46) (7.46) (7.46) (7.46) (7.46)
Maximum HP 30 30 50 50 50 50 50
Maximum kW (22.37) (22.37) (37.29) (37.29) (37.29) (37.29) (37.29)
Minimum Design CFM 11200 11960 14250 15080 16900 18700 20800
Minimum Design liter / sec. (5286) (5645) (6725) (7117) (7976) (8825) (9817)
Maximum Design CFM 17850 19550 22100 24650 27625 29800 29800
Maximum Design liter / sec. (8424) (9227) (10430) (11634) (13038) (14064) (14064)
General Data
EER 14.1 14.2 13.1 13.5 13.1 13.0 13.0
IPLV 13.9 13.6 12.9 12.5 12.4 11.8 11.4
Refrigerant Charge - lbs. R-22
Circuit A 28 30 28 30 28 30 32
Circuit B 24 25 28 30 28 30 32
Circuit C 24 25 28 30 28 30 32
Circuit D - - - - 24 25 32
Refrigerant Charge - kg R-22
Circuit A (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (14.5)
Circuit B (10.9) (11.3) (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (14.5)
Circuit C (10.9) (11.3) (12.7) (13.6) (12.7) (13.6) (14.5)
Circuit D - - - - (10.9) (11.3) (14.5)
Capacity Steps - % 100/71/43/26/0 100/70/41/30/0 100/65/32/0 100/65/30/0 100/71/44/24/0 100/71/43/23/0 100/73/46/20/0
Filter Data
Quantity 4 444444
Size (inches) 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2 16x20x2
Size (mm) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51) (406 X 508 X 51)
Quantity 8 888888
Size (inches) 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2 16x25x2
Size (mm) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51) (406 X 635 X 51)
Quantity 2 222222
Size 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2 20x20x2
Size (mm) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51) (508 X 508 X 51)
Quantity 4 444444
Size 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2 20x25x2
Size (mm) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51) (508 X 635 X 51)
1. Compressors are Trane 3D
2. EER and IPV are rated in accordance to the ARI Standard 340/360-93. Based on 80/67 F (26.7/19.4 C) to the evaporator coil, nominal airflow and 85-95 F (29.4/35 C) condenser
3. All units operate with R-22. Units ships with full operating charge.
4. Maximum cfm limits are set to prevent moisture carryover on the evaporator coil.
5. Minimum cfm limits are set to ensure stable thermal expansion valve operation at low load conditions.
6. Filter sizes are for units without hot water or steam heating coils