
General Data
Table GD-2. CCRA/CIRA Remote Air-Cooled Condenser General Data
Unit Size 357.51015
Gross Heat Rejection (MBh) 59 102 116 207 232
Gross Heat Rejection (kW) (17.3) (29.9) (34.0) (60.7) (68.0)
Condenser Fan Data
Number/Type 1/Prop 1/Prop 2/Prop 2/Prop 4/Prop
Size (inches) 18” 22” 22” 22” 20”
Size (mm) (457) (559) (559) (559) (508)
Fan Drive Direct Direct Direct Direct Direct
No. of Motors/HP ea. 1/0.33 1/0.75 2/0.75 2/0.75 4/0.75
Nominal cfm
Nominal (liters / sec)
Condenser Coil Data
Circuit 1 Size (in.) 36 x 48 36 x 48 72 x 96 36 x 48 36 x 48
Circuit 1 Size (mm) (914 x 1219) (914 x 1219) (1828x 2438) (914 x 1219) (914 x 1219)
Circuit 2 No./Size (in.) n/a n/a n/a 36 x 48 36 x 48
Circuit 2 No./Size (mm) (914 x 1219) (914 x 1219)
Face Area (sq. Ft.) 12.0 12.0 24.0 24.0 24.0
Face Area (sq.m) (1.1) (1.1) (2.2) (2.2) (2.2)
Rows/fpf 2/144 3/144 3/144 3/144 3/144
Ambient Temp. Operating Range
Standard Ambient (°F) 40 - 115 40 - 115 40 - 115 40 - 115 40 - 115
Standard Ambient (°C) (4.4 - 46.1) (4.4 - 46.1) (4.4 - 46.1) (4.4 - 46.1) (4.4 - 46.1)
Low Ambient Option (°F) 0 - 115 0 - 115 0 - 115 0 - 115 0 - 115
Low Ambient Option (°C) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1) (-17.8 - 46.1)
1. Gross heat rejection is at a 30°F (-1.1°C) ITD (initial temperature difference) between condensing temperature and
ambient air entering condenser (includes the effect of subcooling).