No System Control
Temperature Control Parameters
Each unit ordered with the “No Controls” option, requires a field provided and field wired
temperature controller. Single refrigerant circuit units require a 2-step control device, and dual
refrigerant circuit units require a 4-step control device.
Each unit is shipped form the factory with internal “Fixed-On” & “Fixed-Off” time delays wired into
each step of cooling. The “Fixed-Off” timers are 5 minutes each and they begin timing when the
circuit for that step of cooling is deactivated. The “Fixed-On” timers are 3 minutes each and they
begin timing when the circuit for that step is activated.
Note: Units ordered with the “No Controls” option can not be used with EVP Chiller applications.
Hazardous Voltage!
Disconnect all electric power, including remote disconnects before servicing. Follow proper
lockout/tagout procedures to ensure the power can not be inadvertently energized. Failure to
disconnect power before servicing could result in death or serious injury.
Wire the controller in accordance with the field connection diagram illustrated in Figure 25.
Economizer Actuator Circuit Legend
Device Designation Device Designation Parts And Notes
MM Modutral Motor
M.H. M955, (Up to 3 motors may be
controlled as shown. Additional motors
must be slaved.)
TR Transformer M.H. 13081B; cover mounted
EC Enthalpy Control M.H. H2051046
MP Minimum Position Potentiometer M.H. S96A1012
EFI Evaporator Fan Interlock Field Provided
7TB88 Low Voltage Terminal Strip
Located in Temperature Controller
R 1/4 Watt - 5% Carbon
1 Motor/Circuit = None Req.
2 Motors/ circuit = 1300 Ohms
3 Motors/Circuit = 910 Ohms