
Roof Curb
The roof curb shall be designed to mate
with the unit and provide support and a
water tight installation when installed
properly. The roof curb design shall allow
field-fabricated rectangular supply/return
ductwork to be connected directly to the
curb when used with downflow units.
Curb design shall comply with NRCA
requirements. Curb shall ship knocked
down for field assembly and include
wood nailer strips.
Trane Communication Interface (TCI)
Shall be provided to interface with the
Trane Integrated Comfort™ System and
shall be available factory installed. The
TCI shall allow control and monitoring of
the rooftop unit via a two-wire
communication link.
The following alarm and diagnostic
information shall be available:
UCP Originated Data
Unit operating mode
Unit failure status
Cooling failure
Heating failure
Emergency service stop indication
Supply fan proving
Timed override activation
High temperature thermostat status
Zone temperature
Supply air temperature
Cooling status (all stages)
Stage activated or not
Stage locked out by UCP
HPC status for that stage
Compressor disable inputs
Heating status
Number of stages activated
High temperature limit status
Economizer status
Enthalpy favorability status
Requested minimum position
Damper position
Dry bulb/enthalpy input status
Outside air temperature
Outside relative humidity
Sensor Failure
Humidity sensor
OAT sensor
SAT sensor
RAT sensor
Zone temperature sensor
Mode input
Cooling/heating setpoints from
Static pressure transducer
Unit mounted potentiometer
SAT from potentiometer
Air reset setpoint from potentiometer
Unit Configuration data
Gas or electric heat
Economizer present
High temp input status
Local setpoint
Local mode setting
Inlet Guide Vane position
Tracer Originated Data
Command operating mode
Host controllable functions:
Supply fan
Cooling stages enabled
Heating stages enabled
Emergency shutdown
Minimum damper position
Heating setpoint
Cooling setpoint
Supply air tempering enable/disable
Slave mode (CV only)
Tracer/Local operation
SAT setpoint
Reset setpoint
Reset amount
MWU setpoint
MWU enable/disable
SAT Reset type select
Static pressure setpoint
Static pressure deadband
Daytime warm-up enable/disable
Power exhaust setpoint
Zone Sensors
Shall be provided to interface with the
Micro unit controls and shall be available
in either manual, automatic
programmable with night setback, with
system malfunction lights or remote
sensor options.
Conventional Thermostat Interface (CTI)
This field installed circuit board shall
provide interface with electromechanical
thermostats or automation systems. Not
available with VAV system control.
Differential Pressure Switches
This field installed option allows dirty
filter indication. The dirty filter switch will
light the Service LED on the zone sensor
and will allow continued unit operation.
Remote Potentiometer
A remote potentiometer shall be
available to remotely adjust the unit
economizer minimum position.
High Temperature Thermostats
Field installed, manually resettable high
temperature thermostats shall provide
input to the unit controls to shut down
the system if the temperature sensed at
the return is 135 F or at the discharge
240 F.
Reference Enthalpy Kit
Field installed enthalpy kit shall provide
inputs for economizer control based
upon comparison of the outside air
stream to a definable enthalpy reference
point. May also be factory installed.
Comparative Enthalpy Kit
Field installed enthalpy kit shall provide
inputs for economizer control based
upon comparison of the enthalpies of
the return and outdoor air streams. Also
available factory installed.