96 RT-PRC031-EN
• MERV 14, 90-95 percent, high
temperature rated, cartridge,
final filter option—Available on
gas and electric heat units with
eight foot blank section unit
casing option only.
Twelve-inch deep cartridge filters
are U.L. Class 1 and are mounted
in a galvanized steel casing with
a 7/8” nominal thickness header
frame. These cartridge filters
have an efficiency rating of
MERV 14 per ASHRAE 52.2. To
ensure maximum cartridge final
filter life, high temperature rated
two-inch prefilters are included
with the cartridge filters. Filters
are mounted in a galvanized
steel filter frame bank.
• MERV 17, 99.97 percent, standard
temperature rated, HEPA, final
filter option—Available on
cooling only units with four or
eight-foot blank section, as well
as steam and hot water units
with eight-foot blank section,
unit casing only.
Twelve-inch deep HEPA filters
are U.L. Class 1 and are mounted
in a galvanized steel casing.
These filters have an efficiency
rating of MERV 17 per ASHRAE
52.2 and an efficiency of 99.97%
on a 0.3 micron DOP particle size.
To ensure maximum HEPA final
filter life, two-inch prefilters are
included with the HEPA final
filters. Filters are mounted in a
galvanized steel filter frame
• MERV 17, 99.97 percent, high
temperature rated, HEPA, final
filter option—Available on gas
and electric heat units with eight
foot blank section unit casing
option only.
Twelve-inch deep HEPA filters
are U.L. Class 1 and are mounted
in a galvanized steel casing.
These filters have an efficiency
rating of MERV 17 per ASHRAE
52.2 and an efficiency of 99.97%
on a 0.3 micron DOP particle size.
To ensure maximum HEPA final
filter life, high temperature rated
two-inch prefilters are included
with the HEPA final filters. Filters
are mounted in a galvanized
steel filter frame bank.
Fresh Air
• 0 to 25 percent Motorized
Outside Air Damper—includes
only an outside air opening with
moisture eliminator and
motorized position damper for
drawing up to 25 percent outside
air. The damper position can be
set at the unit mounted Human
Interface panel.
• Economizer—Includes the
primary temperature controls
necessary to automatically use
outdoor air for free cooling.
Option includes modulating
return and outside air dampers,
high ambient temperature
lockout, minimum position
control and spring return motor.
Standard outside air dampers
are provided with a leakage rate
of 20 cfm/ft^2 at 1.0 in w.g.
pressure difference. Optional
Low leakage dampers are
available with a leakage rate of
10 cfm/ft^2 (AMCA Class 2) at 1.0
inch w.g. pressure difference, as
well as Ultra Low leakage
dampers with a leakage rate of 4
cfm/ft^2 (AMCA Class 1) at 1.0
inch w.g. pressure difference.
The 0 to 100% fresh air
economizer has three optional
economizer controls available:
comparative enthalpy, reference
enthalpy, or dry bulb control.
• Fresh Air Measurement—The
Trane Traq™ airflow-monitoring
solution allows direct
measurement and control of
fresh air. The Traq damper
assembly consists of butterfly-
type dampers. The bellmouth
inlet of each damper guides air
uniformly through a flow-
sensing ring that accurately
measures total and static
pressure from 15 to 100 percent
of nominal airflow. The damper
assembly ventilation control
module (VCM) produces a vdc
signal that is proportional to
airflow, re-calibrates itself once
every 60 seconds, and
automatically adjusts for
temperature variations. When
applied as part of an Integrated
Comfort™ system (ICS) with the
Tracer Summit™ building
automation system, ventilation
airflow can be controlled
dynamically and documented to
verify compliance with ASHRAE
Standard 62.1.
• Demand Control Ventilation—
When equipped with a CO
sensor and the (VCM) module,
the IntelliPak II controller
modulates the fresh air damper
position in order to minimize the
unit energy consumption yet
simultaneously meet the
ventilation requirements of
ASHRAE Std 62.1. The Traq
airflow monitoring solution
augments the system, allowing
for measurement and control of
fresh air airflow.
System Control
• Constant Volume (CV)—Provided
with all the necessary controls to
operate the air handler from a
zone sensor, including CV
microprocessor unit control
module and a unit mounted
Human Interface Panel.
• Variable Air Volume (VAV)
Supply Air Temperature control
without inlet guide vanes—
Provided with all the necessary
controls to operate a VAV air
handler from the discharge air
temperature, including discharge
air microprocessor controller
and discharge air sensor. The
microprocessor controller
coordinates the economizer
control and the stages of cooling
with zone or outdoor air reset
capabilities and an adjustable
control band to fine-tune the
control to specific applications.
• VAV Supply Air Temperature
control with inlet guide vanes—
Provided with all the necessary
controls to control/operate a VAV
air handler from the discharge air
temperature, including a
discharge air microprocessor
controller, a discharge air sensor,
pressure sensor and inlet guide
vanes on the supply fan. The
microprocessor controller
coordinates the economizer
control and the stages of cooling
with zone or outdoor air reset
capabilities and an adjustable
control band to fine-tune the
control to specific applications.
The inlet guide vanes are used