
Special Lifting and Moving
A specific lifting method is
recommended as follows:
1. Four lifting points are built into the
2. Slings and spreader bar to be
provided by rigger and attached to
the four lifting points.
3. Minimum rated lifting capacity
(vertical) of each sling and
spreader bar shall be no less than
the tabulated unit shipping weight.
This unit must be lifted with the
utmost care. Avoid shock load by
lifting slowly and evenly.
To prevent any damage, position the
lifting bar so that the slings do not
touch the unit.
The most effective form of isolation
is to locate the unit away from any
sound-sensitive area. Structurally
transmitted sound can be reduced by
elastomeric vibration eliminators.
Spring isolators are not
recommended for units equipped
with helical rotary compressors.
Consult an acoustical engineer in
critical sound applications. For
maximum isolation effect, isolate
water lines and electrical conduit.
Wall sleeves and rubber- isolated
piping hangers can be used to
reduce the sound transmitted
through water piping. To reduce the
sound transmitted through electrical
conduit, use flexible electrical
conduit. State and local codes on
sound emissions should always be
Provide rigid, non-warping mounting
pads or a concrete foundation of
sufficient strength and mass to
support the unit's operating weight
(that is, including completed piping,
and full operating charges of
refrigerant, oil, and water). After it is
in place, the unit must be level
within 1/4" [6 mm] over its length
and width. Use shims if necessary.
The manufacturer is not responsible
for equipment problems resulting
from an improperly designed or
constructed foundation.
Note for RTCA: The unit must be
positioned so that the airflow
through the condensation coils is not
hindered by any obstacle. The
Figure 2- Rigging the unit - RTUB 207-208 Figure 3- Rigging the unit - RTUB 210-224 Figure 4- Rigging the unit - RTCA 108-216
Table 3 - Sling Lengths (mm) for lifting
RTUB unit size
207-208 2200 3000 2600 2100 -
210-211-212 2400 3000 2550 3150 3650
214-216-217 2500 3000 2550 3150 3650
218-220 2450 3050 2600 3150 3650
222-224 2450 3100 2650 3150 3650
RTCA unit size
108/109/111/208/209/211 2240 1700 1700 - -
113/115/115/213/215/216 2240 2800 2800 - -