Connection Example
Main Speaker Systems (Right)
Main Speaker Systems (Left)
These XLR connectors are bal-
anced, transformer-isolated,
floating and accept low imped-
ance sources of from +10dB to
—60dB nominal level. The input
level must be adjusted by the in-
put level selector switch and
trim control.
Wireless Tuner
Unbalanced input jacks ac-
cept high impedance
sources of from —30dB to
0dB nominal level. The in-
put level switch on the
front panel must be set at
the "UN-BAL" position.
Power Amplifier
Foldback Speaker Systems
(Self-Powered Speaker Systems)
Foldback Speaker Systems
(Stage Monitor Speaker Systems)
Foldback Speaker Systems
(Self-Powered Speaker Systems)
Record player with magnetic cartridge
The stereo input switch on the
front panel must be set at the
"PHONO" position.
Playback Tape Deck
The stereo input switch must
be set at the "AUX" position
with the nominal level of
Tape Deck for recording
Dual Power
Dual Power
Ground for turntables
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