Supply Air Temp Cool Setpoint Fail
Problem: The active supply air
temperature cooling setpoint is out of
Reason for Diagnostic: The input
designated as the SA temp cooling
setpoint is out is out of range (temp <
35°F or temp > 95°F).
UCM Reaction: The default HI-set SA
temp cooling setpoint becomes the active
SA temp cooling setpoint.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the SA temp cooling setpoint
input returns to within range for 10
continuous seconds, or after a different
SA temp cooling setopint selection
source is user-defined.
Supply Air Temp Heat Setpoint Fail
Problem: The active supply air
temperature cooling setpoint is out of
Reason for Diagnostic: The input
designated as the SA temp heating
setpoint is out is out of range (temp <
35°F or temp > 185°F).
UCM Reaction: The default HI-set SA
temp heating setpoint becomes the
active SA temp heating setpoint.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after the SA temp heating setpoint
input returns to within range for 10
continuous seconds, or after a different
SA temp heating setopint selection
source is user-defined.
Supply Air Temperature Failure
Problem: The supply air temperature
sensor input is out of range.
Check: Sensor resistance should be
between 830 ohms (200°F) and 345.7
ohms (-40°F). If so, check field/unit wiring
between sensor and RTM.
Reason for Diagnostic: The unit is reading
a signal that is out of range for the supply
air temperature input on the RTM (temp.
< -55°F or temp > 209°F).
UCM Reaction: These unit functions are
• supply air tempering
• economizing
• supply air temperature low limit function
(CV units)
• supply air temperature control heating
and cooling functions (VAV units)
Reset Required: (PAR) an automatic reset
occurs after the designated S/A
temperature input returns to its allowable
range. To prevent rapid cycling of the
diagnostic, there is a 10 second delay
before the automatic reset.
Supply Fan Failure
Problem: There is no supply airflow
indication after the supply fan is requested
Check: Check belts, linkages, etc. on the
supply fan assembly. If these are ok, check
field/unit wiring between RTM and supply
fan. If the supply fan runs in service mode,
then verify airflow proving switch and
Reason for Diagnostic: The supply airflow
input is detected OPEN for 40 continuous
seconds during any period of time in which
the supply fan binary output is ON.
between 830 ohms (200°F) and 345.7
ohms (-40°F). If so, check field/unit wiring
between the sensor and MCM.
This input is ignored for up to 5 minutes
after the supply fan starts, until airflow is
first detected.
UCM Reaction: “Off” or “Close” requests
are issued as appropriate to the following
a. Compressor staging/chilled water
b. Heat operation
c. Supply fan control & proof of operation
d. Exhaust fan control & proof of operation
e. Exhaust actuator control
f. Economizer actuator control
g. IGV / VFD control
Reset Required: (PMR) A manual reset is
required anytime after the diagnostic is
set. The diagnostic can be reset at the HI,
Tracer Summit, or by cycling power to the
Supply Fan VFD Bypass Enabled
a. Data used (module,packet,byte,bit): RTM
b. Activation conditions: supply fan VFD
bypass has been activated and supply fan
vfd bypass is installed.
c. Time to React: 10 sec < T < 20 sec
d. Diagnostic text (human interface display)
e. Actions to be Initiated: NONE
f. Reset: The INFO diagnostic is cleared
when the supply fan VFD bypass is
LCI-I Module Comm Failure
Problem: The RTM has lost communication
with the LCI-I.
Check: Check field/unit wiring between
RTM and LCI-I module.
Reason for Diagnostic: The RTM has lost
communication with the LCI-I module.
UCM Reaction: All active commands and
setpoints provided by Tracer Summit
through the LCI-I will be cancelled and/or
ignored. And where Tracer Summit has
been designated as setpoint source, local
HI default setpoints will be used.
Reset Required: (PAR) An automatic reset
occurs after communication has been
Tracer Communications Failure
Problem: The LCI-I has lost communication
with Tracer Summit.
Check: Tracer Summit
(building control
panel) is powered up and running properly.
If so, check unit wiring between LCI-I and
Tracer Summit
(building control panel).
Reason for Diagnostic: The LCI-I has lost
communications with Tracer Summit
for >
15 minutes.
UCM Reaction: All active commands and
setpoints provided by Tracer Summit
through the LCI-I will be cancelled and/or
ignored. And where Tracer Summit has
been designated as the setpoint source,
local HI default setpoints are used.