
64 TRG-TRC001-EN
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
coil curves These represent the changes in dry-bulb and wet-bulb
temperatures as air passes through a “typical” cooling coil.
constant-volume system A type of air-conditioning system that varies the
temperature of a constant volume of air supplied to meet the changing load
conditions of the space.
dew-point temperature The temperature at which moisture leaves the air and
condenses on surfaces.
dry-bulb temperature A measure of the amount of sensible heat in the air.
enthalpy A quantity that describes the total amount of heat energy, both
sensible and latent, in one pound of air at a given condition.
humidity ratio A quantity that describes the actual weight of the water in an
air – water vapor mixture.
interior space A conditioned space that is surrounded by other conditioned
spaces, with no perimeter walls or windows. It typically requires some degree
of cooling all year long to overcome the heat generated by people, lighting, etc.
latent heat Heat that causes a change in the air’s moisture content with no
change in dry-bulb temperature.
mixed-air bypass A method of part-load control that uses face-and-bypass
dampers, located in front of the cooling coil, to vary the portion of the supply air
that passes through the coil. This varies the supply air temperature as the two
airstreams mix downstream of the coil.
outdoor air Air brought in to the building, either by a ventilation system or
through openings provided for natural ventilation, from outside the building.
psychrometric chart A tool used to graphically display the properties of air.
psychrometry The science dealing with the physical laws of air – water
recirculated return air Air removed from the conditioned space and reused as
supply air, usually after passing through an air-cleaning and -conditioning
system, for delivery to the conditioned space.
relative humidity A comparison of the amount of moisture that a given
amount of air
holding, to the amount of moisture that the same amount of air
hold, at the same dry-bulb temperature.
return air Air that is removed from the conditioned space(s) and either
recirculated or exhausted.