
TRG-TRC007-EN 17
period two
Sound Perception and
Rating Methods
Additionally, tones evoke a particularly strong response. Recall that a tone is
a sound that occurs at a single frequency. Chalk squeaking on a blackboard,
for example, produces a tone that is extremely irritating to many people.
Single-Number Rating Methods
The human ear interprets sound in terms of loudness and pitch, while electronic
sound-measuring equipment interprets sound in terms of pressure and
frequency. As a result, considerable research has been done in an attempt to
equate sound pressure and frequency to sound levels as they are perceived
by the human ear. The goal has been to develop a system of single-number
descriptors to express both the intensity and quality of a sound.
With such a system, sound targets can be established for different
environments. These targets aid building designers in specifying appropriate
acoustical requirements that can be substantiated through measurement. For
example, a designer can specify that “the background sound level in the theater
Response to Tones
Figure 21
Single-Number Rating Methods
I A-, B-, and C-weighting
I Noise criteria (NC) curves
I Room criteria (RC) curves
I Sones
I Phons
Figure 22