
TRG-TRC014-EN 11
period one
What Is Variable Air Volume?
Another feature of the VAV system is the ability to efficiently satisfy the comfort
requirements of many different spaces within the building. As we saw from the
comparison of the VAV and terminal reheat systems, the VAV system is the
most efficient at performing this task.
Because the VAV system uses one central cooling coil and fan to serve many
spaces, the need for a common path to allow the air to return from these spaces
is significant. A return air plenum is commonly used. If return ductwork is
required to connect each conditioned space to the central air handling unit, the
system becomes more difficult to balance and control.
Independent Space Control
Dedicated terminal units
Dedicated thermostats
Figure 17
Common Return Air Path
Space 1
Space 1
Space 2
Space 2
Space 3
Space 3
Figure 18