
Table SP-5 – Model P Projection Unit Heater Steam Capacities
2 Lbs. Steam 60 F Entering Air Temperature
Motor Motor BTU Condensate Final CFM 70 F CFM at Outlet Oper.
Size HP RPM Per Hour EDR Lbs Per Hr Temp. Air Basis Final Temp. Velocity Weight Lbs.
Standard Models
42-P 1/25 1550 41,300 172 43 124 595 660 877 30
1150 33,600 140 35 131 436 495 658
64-P 1/20 1550 65,500 273 68 121 989 1085 1005 35
1150 52,800 220 55 129 706 785 727
80-P 1/20 1550 80,600 336 83 122 1200 1320 1220 40
1150 65,100 271 67 130 858 954 894
102-P 1/8 1070 101,800 424 106 123 1490 1635 980 55
850 87,900 366 91 129 1180 1315 783
122-P 1/6 1070 124,400 518 129 124 1790 1970 1170 55
146-P 1/6 1070 152,000 633 157 123 2220 2440 1045 80
166-P 1/6 1070 173,000 720 179 121 2620 2870 1230 80
202-P 1/4 1070 210,200 838 208 118 3200 3490 1495 85
252-P 1/4 1070 249,800 1040 260 115 4180 4550 1205 135
280-P 1/2 1070 283,800 1180 294 119 4430 4840 1275 135
336-P 3/4 1120 333,400 1390 345 119 5210 5690 1500 135
384-P 3/4 1120 386,000 1610 400 118 6140 6700 1770 175
500-P 1-1/2 1120 496,000 2070 514 117 8020 8750 1640 250
600-P 1-1/2 1120 585,000 2440 605 117 9450 10,300 1930 260
720-P 3 1120 705,000 2940 729 119 11,000 12,020 2250 325
Low Final Temperature Models - Standard Model P Units With All Air Ports Open
42-P-L 1/25 1150 34,800 145 36 108 668 716 950 30
1150 26,000 108 27 111 470 506 672
64-P-L 1/20 1550 57,200 238 59 104 1200 1280 1190 35
1150 45,800 191 48 109 862 925 858
80-P-L 1/20 1550 68,000 283 71 106 1360 1455 1350 40
1150 55,000 229 57 111 995 1070 992
102-P-L 1/8 1070 85,400 356 89 108 1640 1760 1050 55
850 71,200 296 74 111 1290 1390 827
122-P-L 1/6 1070 111,000 462 115 107 2180 2330 1390 55
146-P-L 1/6 1070 125,800 524 130 109 2360 2530 1080 80
166-P-L 1/6 1070 149,000 620 154 107 2920 3130 1340 80
202-P-L 1/4 1070 176,800 736 183 108 3390 3640 1560 85
252-P-L 1/4 1070 214,900 895 224 104 4500 4800 1270 135
280-P-L 1/2 1070 251,800 1050 260 106 5040 5380 1420 135
336-P-L 3/4 1120 291,000 1210 302 107 5700 6100 1610 135
384-P-L 3/4 1120 344,000 1430 356 108 6600 7080 1870 175
500-P-L 1-1/2 1120 428,000 1785 446 102 9380 9940 1860 250
600-P-L 1-1/2 1120 515,000 2140 533 106 10,300 11,000 2060 260
720-P-L 3 1120 620,000 2580 642 108 11,900 12,750 2380 325
Constant speed units are rated at capacities shown in regular type; capacities in italic faced type apply only to units with multi-speed motors.
To determine BTU per hour capacities at various steam pressures and entering air temperatures, use conversion factors from Table SP-7, page 18.
Final temperatures at new conditions can be calculated by applying basic formula.
Table SP-6 – Maximum Spread (Ft.)
Unit No. 42P 64P 80P 102P 122P 146P 166P 202P 252P 280P 336P 384P 500P 600P 720P
Spread (Ft.) 15 17 20 24 26 27 28 32 35 37 45 50 54 57 60
The “spread” is the diameter of the comfort zone at floor level, projected by the Model P unit without the louver cone diffuser, based on two pounds steam pressure and 60 F entering air.