4 VAV-IN-24
UCM 4.2 Retrofit Kit
The UCM 4.2 retrofit kit is available in
three basic kits.
• Retrofit Kit with a Honeywell
• Retrofit Kit with a Belimo actuator
• Retrofit Kit with no actuator
The kit may also be ordered in a pres-
sure dependent version on a special
basis. Both the Belimo and Honeywell
actuators are direct coupled actuators.
Honeywell Actuator
Key benefits and features of the Hon-
eywell actuator are:
• Selectable 45°, 60°, and 90° angles
of rotation
• 35-inch-pound torque capacity
• 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch shaft size capa-
• 90-second drive time over 90° rota-
• Magnetic coupled motor provides
45-inch-pounds stall
• 2 VA at 24-volts power consumption
• Manual clutch to disengage the ac-
tuator from the motor
Belimo Actuator
The Belimo actuator’s principle benefit
is flexibility. Belimo is designed with
the following features:
• Direct coupled with universal clamp
fitting shaft sizes, 3/8-inch to 1/2-
inch shaft size.
• Manual clutch to disengage the ac-
tuator from the motor
• Motor reversing switch to change
• Adjustable mechanical stops
• 35-inch-pounds torque capacity
• 3 VA at 24-volts power consumption
• 95-second run time
Control Assembly
The actual control assembly consists
of UCM and Delta P transducer mount-
ed in a sheet metal enclosure. The ac-
cessories offered with the kit are zone
sensors with the same options as
Trane DDC/VAV: flow bars for use with
units without a flow sensor and con-
trol power transformers.