Features and Benefits
The primary advantage of Trane’s zoning systems is that they are
completely integrated systems with Trane’s unitary equipment. Another
benefit is that these systems are so simple to install, operate and
service, that contractors and installers can take advantage of the
delivered concept versus the applied world of design, engineering, and
programming. For more information, refer to the table below which
describes and compares the features and benefits of Trane’s newest
changeover-bypass VAV offering to the existing product.
Product Changes at a Glance
VariTrac II New VariTrac III
CCP CCP with 3 piece enclosure design and optional Operator Display
Optional relay board with installation kit Quick snap-in optional relay board with easy to wire terminal strip
Duct mounted pressure and temperature sensors hard
wired back to the CCP
Communicating sensor assembly including a UCM 4 with integral
temperature and pressure sensor, and output to the bypass damper(s)
Bypass damper hardwired back to the CCP
Bypass damper with factory installed wiring harness for plug-in connection
to communicating sensor assembly
16 zones 24 zones
Zone dampers with UCM 3 boards Zone dampers with UCM 4 boards with:
• Zone occupancy sensor input
• Zone CO2 sensor input
Round zone damper sizes:
• 6”, 8”, 10”, 12”, 14”, and 16”
Added new rectangular zone dampers in sizes:
• 8x12, 8x14, 8x16, 10x16, 10x20, 14x18
Comm 4 communications to the zone dampers Same Comm 4 communications to the zone dampers for reliable
operation and backward compatibility
Comm 3 communications to Tracker Supports Comm 5 communications to the new Tracker Version 10 panel
PC edit terminal required for interfacing with the
system (HyperTerminal)
Optional touch-screen operator display with built in 7-day time clock .
Windows based PC software.
Round bypass damper sizes:
• 6”, 8”, 10”, and 12”
Rectangular bypass damper sizes:
• 14x12, 16x16, 20x20, 30x20
Bypass dampers now come with factory installed wiring harness for plug-
in connection to communicating sensor assembly
Manual analog zone sensors only Digital display zone temperature sensor
Not applicable Zone occupancy sensor
Not applicable Zone CO2 sensor
Duct mount CO2 sensor
Pressure independent boxes Ability to use pressure independent boxes
Add local heat Ability to add local heat