Binary inputs
BI3: Occupancy or generic binary input
The BI3 binary input can function as either:
• The occupancy input
• A generic binary input
The function of occupancy is to save energy by spreading zone setpoints
when the zone is unoccupied. As the occupancy input, BI3 can be used for
two related functions. For stand-alone controllers, BI3 can be hard-wired
to a binary switch or timeclock to determine the occupancy mode—either
occupied or unoccupied. For controllers receiving a BAS-communicated
occupancy request, the function of BI3 is to change the mode from occu-
pied to occupied standby. (For more information on occupancy-related
functions, see “Occupancy modes” on page 36.)
BI3 is the only binary input that can be configured as generic. If config-
ured as a generic binary input, it can be monitored by a BAS and has no
direct effect on Tracer ZN521 operation.
BI4: Fan status
The fan status input provides feedback to the controller regarding the
fan’s operating status. If BI4 is wired to a fan status switch and the input
indicates that the fan is not operating when the controller has the fan
controlled to on, the controller will generate a Low AirFlow—Fan Failure
diagnostic. (For more information, see “Fan status” on page 49.)