Your model requires maintenance in order to stay in top running
condition. The following procedures should be taken very
seriously. Form the habit of visually inspecting the mechanical
integrity of the model before and after each run.
Inspect the model for obvious damage or wear:
• Normally, some water will accumulate inside the boat. Empty any
standing water out of the boat between runs. Pour any water out
the side or back of the boat.
• Check the wiring for any frayed wires or loose connections.
• Check the tightness of the set screws in the collars on the steering
linkages, in the propeller. Thread-locking compound can be
applied to these screws to prevent them from loosening.
• Check the mounting of the receiver and servo.
• Check the driveshaft seals for damage. Do not attempt to run the
model if these seals are damaged in any way.
• Check the tightness of the propeller. Visually inspect the prop for
nicks, dings, and warping. Replace if any damage is noticed.
• Check the operation of the radio system, especially the condition
of the batteries.
• Visually inspect the hull for any cracks, damage, or possible leaks.
Drain all water out of the model and thoroughly dry it before you store
it. Store the model with the top deck removed so that any remaining
moisture will evaporate.
After each run:
• Make certain the motor is completely dry, particularly the bearings.
• Lubricate the motor bearings with the light oil included with
your model.
• Release the drive cable from the collet as explained on page 22
and remove the drive cable by pulling the propeller away from
the drive strut. Thoroughly dry the drive cable and lubricate it
with the light oil included with your model.
• While the drive cable is removed from the model, dry and
lubricate the bushings in the drive strut. Apply oil to the exposed
bushing faces, and also apply a few drops of oil to the oiling
hole in the drive strut. Reinstall the drive cable by reversing the
removal steps.
• Keep all of the screws in the drive system tight.
• Disconnect and remove all batteries.
• Thoroughly clean and dry the model before storing it.
• Always store the model with the top deck cover removed. This
will allow harmful moisture and condensation to evaporate.
Centering your Servo
Whenever your radio system has been removed for service or
cleaning, the steering servo must be re-centered prior to installing
the radio system in the model.
1. If the radio system is already installed in the boat, disconnect
the servo horn from the servo.
2. Connect the steering servo to channel 1 on your receiver and
the electronic speed control to channel 2.
3. Place fresh “AA” batteries in the transmitter and turn the power
switch on.
4. Turn the throttle and steering trim adjustments to the
center position.
5. Keep fingers and objects away from the propeller. Connect two
fresh battery packs to the electronic speed control. The servo
will automatically jump to its center position.
6. The servo horn is now ready to be installed.
7. Be careful not to move the servo shaft when installing the
linkages. Readjust the electronic speed control as described in
the previous section.
Always wear eye protection
when using compressed
air or spray cleaners and
Water Cooling Diagram