f) Under "imporant upDates", select how the SurfTab should proceed with
updates in future.
Further down on the same screen, you can also specify how the SurfTab should
handle other forms of updates ("reCommeNded updates" and "miCrosoft update").
g) Confirm your selection with "
17) Performing a system backup
To enable a system recovery (including all data) in the event of failure, the SurfTab
allows you to make a "system image" backup. We recommend performing the
backup using an external hard drive. To do so, proceed as follows:
a) Connect an external hard drive via the included USB host adapter cable to
the Micro-USB port on the SurfTab.
b) Open the Charm Bar by swiping your finger inwards from the right-hand
edge of the screen.
c) Tap "
settings" in the Charm Bar.
d) Now tap "
Change pC settings" in the bottom-right area.
e) Tap "
Control panel" in the bottom-left area in the device settings.
The Control Panel in the desktop view opens.
f) Tap in the Control Panel under "
system anD seCurity" on "save BaCkup Copies oF
your Files With File history".
g) Tap "
system image BaCkup" in the bottom-left area of the following window.
The SurfTab asks where you would like to save the backup.
h) In this window, select (highlight) "
on a harD Disk", and in the drop-down
window directly beneath, select the connected external hard drive as the
target drive for saving the system image.
i) Confirm by tapping "
next" in the bottom-right area of the window.
The SurfTab shows which drives will be backed up. Confirm by tapping
"start BBaCkup".
The system image is created and stored on the hard drive.