Schedules can be created for use with enforcing rules. For example, if you want to restrict web access
to Mon-Fri from 3pm to 8pm, you could create a schedule selecting Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, and Fri and
enter a Start Time of 3pm and End Time of 8pm.
Add/Edit Schedule Rule
In this section you can add entries to the Schedule Rules List below or edit existing entries.
Give the schedule a name that is meaningful to you, such as "Weekday rule".
Place a checkmark in the boxes for the desired days or select the All Week radio button to
select all seven days of the week.
All Day - 24 hrs
Select this option if you want this schedule in effect all day for the selected day(s).
Start Time
If you don't use the All Day option, then you enter the time here. The start time is entered
in two fields. The first box is for the hour and the second box is for the minute. Email
events are normally triggered only by the start time.
End Time
The end time is entered in the same format as the start time. The hour in the first box and
the minutes in the second box. The end time is used for most other rules, but is not
normally used for email events.