Advanced Features
Communication Applications
Select an Application
This lists applications which may generate incoming connections,
where the destination PC (on your local LAN) is unknown.
Send incoming calls to
This lists the PCs on your LAN.
• If necessary, you can add PCs manually, using the "PC
Database" option on the advanced menu.
• For each application listed above, you can choose a destina-
tion PC.
• There is no need to "Save" after each change; you can set the
destination PC for each application, then click "Save".
Special Applications
If you use Internet applications which use non-standard connections or port numbers, you may
find that they do not function correctly because they are blocked by the TW100-BRF114U's
firewall. In this case, you can define the application as a "Special Application".
Special Applications Screen
This screen can be reached by clicking the Special Applications button on the Internet screen.
You can then define your Special Applications. You will need detailed information about the
application; this is normally available from the supplier of the application.
Also, note that the terms "Incoming" and "Outgoing" on this screen refer to traffic from the
client (PC) viewpoint
Figure 39: Special Applications Screen