B096-016 B096-048 and B092-016 User Manual Page 207
The B092-016 SSH connection uses OpenSSH (http://www.openssh.com/) and the terminal connection is
presented using rxvt (ouR XVT). You can find more details on configuration options in
16.1.5 Connect- IPMI
The B092-016 control panel provides a number of IPMI tools for managing service processors or
Baseboard Management Controllers (BMCs). These IPMI controls are built on the ipmitools program.
Find more details on configuration options in http://ipmitool.sourceforge.net/manpage.html
The ipmitool program provides a simple command-line interface to the BMCs and features the ability to
read the sensor data repository (SDR), display the contents of the System Event Log (SEL), read and set
LAN configuration parameters, and perform remote chassis power control. The B092-016 Management
Console also has additional tools for controlling power units with IPMI interfaces (refer to Chapter 8).
Select Connect: IPMI on the control panel and select the Serial over LAN connection to be accessed
This will launch a Serial-Over-LAN session by running:
# ipmitool -I lanplus -H hostname -U username -P password sol activate