Connecting Your
FireWire Peripheral
The F200-003-R has three external plus one internal FireWire
ports. Only three ports can be used at a time with the following
1) Connecting the three external FireWire ports (A, B, C) or
2) Connecting the internal port and two external ports, which
must be either the 2nd or 3rd connector (B, C). Please be
aware that you can not activate the internal port and 1st
external port (A) at the same time.
Before installing any drivers or connecting the FireWire
peripheral, it’s important to first determine which version of
Windows is installed on your computer.To do this, right-click
on the MY COMPUTER icon on your desktop, then select
PROPERTIES. Below the SYSTEM heading, you will see your
Windows version listed.You can also determine your Windows
version using the Windows version number. For example,
if you are using Windows 98 Gold, the version will be
“4.10.1998.” If you are using Windows 98 Second Edition,
the version will be “4.10.2222A.”
Note: a digital video camera is used in the following setup instructions as an
example of a commonly used FireWire peripheral.You can substitute any
FireWire peripheral in its place.