System Ground
The generator has a system ground that connects the
generator frame components to the ground terminals on
the AC output receptacles.The system ground is connected
to the AC neutral wire (see "Equipment Description",
earlier in this manual).
Special Requirements
There may be Federal or State Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, local codes, or
ordinances that apply to the intended use of the generator.
Please consult a qualified electrician, electrical inspector, or
the local agency having jurisdiction.
In some areas, generators are required to be registered
with local utility companies.
If the generator is used at a construction site, there may
be additional regulations which must be observed.
Connecting to a B~~~ilding's Electrical
Connections for standby power to a building's electrical
system must be made by a qualified electrician.The
connection must isolate the generator power from utility
power, and must comply with all applicable laws and
electrical codes.
highly conductive area, such as metal decking or steel work.
DO NOT touch bare wires or receptacles.
DO NOT use generator with electrical cords which are worn,
frayed, bare or otherwise damaged.
DO NOT operate generator in the rain.
DO NOT handle generator or electrical cords while standing
water, while barefoot, or while hands or feet are wet.
nqualified persons or children to operate or
Generator Location'
Generator Clearance
The generator must be at least
52 cm) from
structures having combustible walls and/or other
combustible materials. Leave at least 3
cm) all around
generator including overhead, for adequate cooling,
maintenance and servicing.
Place generator in
well ventilated area, which will allow
for removal of deadly exhaust gas. DO NOT place
..kenerator where exhaust gas could accumulate and enter
inside or be drawn into
potentially occupied building.
Ensure exhaust gas is kept away from any windows, doors,
ventilation intakes or other openings that can allow exhaust
gas to collect in a confined area (Figure 3). Prevailing winds
and air currents should be taken into consideration when
positioning generator.
Generator Shown