
Starter and other rotating parts can entangle
hands, hair, clothing, or accessories•
. NEVERoperate pressurewasher without protective housing or
. DO NOTwear loose clothing, jewelry or anything that may be
caught in the starter or other rotating parts•
. Tie up long hair and removejewelry•
Risk of eye injury.
_ [Spray can splash back or propel objects•
Always wear safety goggles when using this equipment or in
vicinity of where equipment is in use.
Beforestarting the pressure washer, besure you are wearing
adequatesafety goggles•
NEVERsubstitute safety glasses for safety goggles•
High pressure spray may damage fragile items including
DONOTpoint spray gun at glasswhen using redO° spray tip.
NEVERaim spraygun at plants•
Improper treatment of pressure washer can damage it and
shorten its life•
If you havequestions about intended use,ask dealeror contact
qualified service center•
NEVERoperate units with brokenor missing parts, or without
protective housing or covers•
DONOTby-pass any safety device on this machine•
DONOTtamper with governed speed•
DONOToperate pressurewasher above rated pressure•
DONOTmodify pressurewasher in anyway.
Beforestarting pressure washer in coldweather, check all parts
of the equipment to besure ice hasnot formed there•
NEVERmovemachine by pulling on hoses•Use handleprovided
on unit•
Checkfuel system for leaksor signs of deterioration, such as
chafed or spongy hose,loose or missing clamps, or damaged
tank or cap. Correct all defects before operating pressure
This equipment is designed to beused with Briggs & Stratton
Power Products authorizedparts ONLY•If equipment is used
with partsthat DONOTcomply with minimum specifications,
user assumesall risks and liabilities•