Section3: FeaturesandControls
This lever (G, Figure3-5) controls the
tilling depth of the tines. Pullthe lever
straight backand slide it up or down to
engagethe notched height settings.
The highest notch (lever all the way
down) raisesthe tines approximately 1-
1/2"off the ground. This "travel" setting
allows the tiller to be movedwithout the
tines digging into the ground. Also use
this setting when starting the engine.
Movethe lever upward to increasethe
tilling depth. The lowest notch allows a
tilling depth of approximately 6"-8",
dependingon soil conditions.
For best results, begintilling at the
deepestdepth possiblewithout causing
the tiller to bog down. Increasethe tilling
depth from one pass over the soil to the
_ Settings
The handlebarheight is adjustableto
three different settings (see Figure3-6).
As a general rule, adjust the handlebars
so they are at waist level when thetines
are 3"-4"into the soil.
To Adjustthe Handlebars:
1. Stop the engine, disconnectthe spark
plug wire from the spark plug and allow
the engineto cool.
2. Removethe screws, Iockwashersand
nuts, reposition the handlebars,and
reinstall the hardware.
Figure3-6: Handlebarheight adjustment.
This stakeis locatedat the rear ofthe
transmission, under the tine hood (see H,
Figure 3-7). Its purpose is to automati-
cally help preventthe counter-rotating
tines from letting the tiller back up in the
direction of the operator if the tiller
wheels had beeninadvertently left in the
FREEWHEELposition. In this situation,
the Anti-Reverse Stakewill beforced
down into the ground, lifting the tines
upward out of the soil and helping
prevent backwardmotion of the tiller.
TheAnti-ReverseStakerequiresno adjust-
ment, but should be inspectedbefore
eachtiller useto verify that it swivels
freely. Remove anyclogged materials
(dirt, roots, rocks, etc.) that preventthe
Anti-ReverseStakefrom swinging freely.
Figure3-5: Depthregulator lever.
• Place the Depth Regulator
Lever in the "travel"
position before starting the
engine. This position
prevents the tines from
touching the grounduntil you
are ready to begin tilling.
Failure to follow this warning
could result in personal injury
or property damage.
Figure 3-7: Anti-ReverseStake.
Referto the engine manufacturer's Engine
Owner's Manual(included in the tiller lit-
erature package)to identify the controls
on your engine.
IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the
engine is located on the engine.