Before inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug. J
Remove the key from the keyswitch on units soequipped. J
Failure to follow these instructionscan result in serious personal injury or propertydamage.
Incorrect cable adjustment could cause
the wheels and tines to rotate unexpect-
edly. Follow adjustment procedures
carefully. Failure to do so could result
in personalinjuryorpropertydamage.
CheckingForwardBelt Tension
1. Beforechecking, shut off engine,allow
the engine and muffler to cool down, dis-
connectthe spark plug wire, removethe
ignition key on electricstart models.
2. Thecoiled part of the forward clutch
spring (E, Figure5-10) measures2" in
lengthwhen the Forward ClutchControl
leversare not pulledup. Pull either
ForwardClutch Control Lever up against
the handlebarand measurethe length of
the coil on the forward clutch spring.
Tension iscorrect if the length of the
extendedcoil is 2-1/2" (seeFigure5-11).
Theforward clutch control cable needs
adjustment if the extended lengthof the
coil is not 2-1/2". SeeAdjusting the
Forward Clutch Beltfor a procedure.
Adjustingthe ForwardClutchCable
Dothis procedure if theforward clutch
spring measurement is not correct (see
CheckingForward Belt Tension).
1. Beforeadjusting the belt, shut off
engine,allow the engineand muffler to
cool down, disconnect the spark plug
wire, and removethe ignition key on elec-
tric start models.
Figure5-12: Moveforwardclutchcable
adjuster downformorebelttension,
2. Beltadjustments aredone with the
forward clutch cableadjuster (F,Figure5-
10). Usetwo 1/2", open-end wrenchesto
loosenthetwo jam nuts (A, Figure5-12)
afew turns.
3. Move cableadjuster (B, Figure5-12)
downward for more belttension (see
4. Handtighten the jam nuts and pull the
Forward Clutch Control leversup against
the handlebar. Measurethe spring coil
(Figure5-11). Theextendedlength of the
coil should be 2-1/2". Repeatthis proce-
dure until theextendedspring length is
5. Tighten bothjam nuts securely.
CheckingReverseClutchBelt Tension
Thereverseclutch belt (D, Figure5-9)
needsadjustment if the belt slips in
reverseor if there is no reverse. See
Adjusting ReverseClutchBelt below.
1. Beforeadjusting the belt, shut off
engine,allow theengine and muffler to
cool down, disconnect the spark plug
wire, and remove the ignition keyon elec-
tric start models.
Figure5-13: Beltcover.
2. Removethe two nuts (C, Figure5-13)
and removethe beltcover.
3. Reversebelttension adjustments are
donewith the reverseclutch cable
adjuster located on the left sideof the
machine nearthe engine (D, Figure5-14).
Usetwo 1/2"open-endwrenches to
loosenthe two adjuster jam nuts (E) a few
Figure5-14: Reverse clutchcableadjuster.
Left-sideview withbeltcover removed.
4. Move thecable adjuster (D, Figure
5-14) awayfrom the pulleys to increase
belt tension.
5. Tighten both jam nuts securely.
6. Reinstallthe belt cover.
7. Move the unit to an open areaand test
the reverseoperation. Repeatthis proce-
dure if the unit does not respondwhen
the reverseclutch is engaged.
Theforward clutch belt (K,Figure5-15)
engagesthe engine pulley (I) and the
transmission pulley (J) wheneither
Forward Clutch Control Leveris pulled up
against the handlebar. This tightens the
forward clutch cable (G)which causesthe
forward clutch idler pulley (H) to apply
pressure to theforward clutch belt. This
causesthe pulleysto turn for Forward
Figure5-15: Forwardclutchcontrol