Professional Service Manual Intent
This manual is intended to provide service dealers with an introduction to proven diagnostic and repair proce-
dures for 78/83/90 series MTD horizontal shaft engines.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this manual is correct at the time of writing. Both the product and the infor-
mation about the product are subject to change without notice.
About the text format:
NOTE: Is used to point out information that is relevant to the procedure, but does not fit as a step in the proce-
• Bullet points: indicate sub-steps or points.
1. Numbered steps indicate specific things that should be done, and the order in which they should be done.
1a. Substeps will be lettered and nested within steps. Two or more substeps may be combined to describe
the actions required to complete a step.
Disclaimer: This manual is intended for use by trained, professional technicians.
• Common sense in operation and safety is assumed.
• In no event shall MTD be liable for poor text interpretation or poor execution of the procedures described
in the text.
• If the person using this manual is uncomfortable with any procedures they encounter, they should seek
the help of a qualified technician or MTD Technical Support.
This Service Manual is meant to be used along with the Operator’s Manual. Read the Operator’s Manual and
familiarize yourself with the safety and operational instructions for the equipment being worked on. Keep a copy of
the Operator’s Manual for quick reference. Operator’s manuals may be viewed for free at the brand support website.
It will be necessary to have the complete model and serial number for the equipment.
Caution is used to point out potential danger to the technician, operator, bystanders, or sur-
rounding property.
Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Danger indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury. This signal word is to be limited to the most extreme situations
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