Starter Rope
The starter rope is at tached to the han dle.
Stand be hind the unit and pull the starter
rope to start the unit.
Throt tle Con trol
The en gine is equipped with a con stant
speed throt tle which is set at full throt tle for
max i mum en gine and cut ting per for mance.
Cut ting Height Ad just ment Le ver
These le vers are lo cated on each wheel and
they are used to ad just the cut ting height. All
four le vers have to be at the same rel a tive
po si tion to en sure uni form cut.
Ser vice the en gine with gas o line and oil as
in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual
packed with your mower. Read in struc tions
care fully.
WARNING: Never fill fuel tank in -
doors, with en gine run ning or un til
the en gine has been al lowed to
cool for at least two min utes af ter
run ning.
• At tach spark plug wire to spark plug. If unit
is equipped with a rub ber boot over the end
of the spark plug wire, make cer tain the
metal loop on the end of the spark plug wire
(in side the rub ber boot) is fas tened se curely
over the metal tip on the spark plug. See
Fig ure 10.
WARNING: Be sure no one other
than the op er a tor is stand ing near
the lawn mower while start ing en -
gine or op er at ing mower.
WARNING: Never run en gine in -
doors or in en closed, poorly ven ti -
lated ar eas. En gine ex haust con -
tains car bon mon ox ide, an odor less
and deadly gas.
WARNING: Keep hands, feet, hair
and loose cloth ing away from any
mov ing parts on en gine and lawn
• If your unit is equipped with a primer, prime
en gine as in structed in the sep a rate en gine
man ual packed with your unit.
• If your unit is equipped with a two speed
con trol on en gine re fer to sep a rate en gine
man ual packed with your unit.
• Stand ing be hind the mower, de press the
blade con trol han dle and hold it against the
drive con trol han dle. Make sure the drive
con trol han dle is pulled all the way back.
WARNING: If the drive con trol han -
dle is not pulled all the way back,
the mower will pro pel for ward when
• Grasp the re coil starter han dle and pull
slowly un til re sis tance is felt, then pull rap idly
to start en gine and avoid kick back. Re turn it
slowly to the rope guide bolt.
• Af ter the en gine starts, push the han dle for -
ward to en gage drive, pull it back wards to
stop. Re lease the drive clutch con trol to slow
down when ne go ti at ing an ob sta cle, mak ing
a turn, or stop ping. The far ther the han dle is
pushed for ward, the faster the mower will
pro pel.
Fig ure 10
on Spark
Rubber Boot
Fig ure 9 - The left rear wheel
has been left out of the pic ture for clar ity
Blade Control
Drive Clutch