lead to the pos i tive side of the bat tery pack,
then con nect the neg a tive side.
The unit is equipped with an in-line fuse. If
unit fails to start, check the fuse in side the
bat tery cover by turn ing the end of the fuse
holder and re mov ing from the bat tery cover.
See Fig ure 29. Re place with stan dard au to -
mo tive 7-1/2 amp fuse.
The fol low ing steps should be taken to pre -
pare lawn mower for stor age.
1. Clean and lu bri cate mower thor oughly as
de scribed in the lu bri ca tion in struc tions.
2. Re fer to en gine man ual for cor rect en gine
stor age in struc tions.
3. Coat mower’s cut ting blade with chas sis
grease to pre vent rust ing.
4. Store mower in a dry, clean area.
The bat tery must be stored with a full
charge. A dis charge bat tery will freeze.
IMPORTANT: All batteries discharge
during storage.
Re charge bat tery ev ery two months and be -
fore re turn ing to ser vice. Re fer to charg ing
in struc tions on page 9.
NOTE: When stor ing any type of power
equip ment in an un ven ti lated or metal
stor age shed, care should be taken to
rust-proof the equip ment. Using a light
oil or sil i cone, coat the equip ment, es -
pe cially ca bles and all mov ing parts.
CAU TION: Never fold or un fold
han dle with out dis con nect ing spark
NOTE: Be care ful not to bend of kink
ca bles.
NOTE: If the starter rope be comes dis -
con nected from rope guide on han dle,
dis con nect and ground the spark plug
wire. De press the bail and pull the
starter rope out from en gine slowly. Slip
the starter rope into the rope guide bolt
on han dle.