Cutting Deck Removal
position and engage the parking brake.
Lower the deck by moving the deck lift lever into the 2.
bottom notch on the right fender.
Locate the engine pulley under the front of your tractor. 3.
Remove the hex screws.a.
engine pulley.
NOTE: If there is too much tension on the belt for it to be
easily removed from the engine pulley, carefully insert a
⁄ drive ratchet wrench (set to loosen) into the square hole
found in the deck idler bracket and pivot it toward the
WARNING! Avoid pinching injuries. Never place
your fingers on the idler spring or between the belt
and a pulley while removing the belt.
Looking at the cutting deck from the left side of the tractor, 5.
locate the deck support pin on the rear left side of the
Figure 7-1
Figure 7-2