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Exercise Profi les
Another form of exercise offered in Coach function is based on
individual, separate pre-programed workouts, or exercise profi les, in
which the requirements vary in a pre-determined way. You can also
design your own profi les and store them to be used later.
Pre-programed profi les
1. Press function key Coach.
2. Press operation key Profi les.
3. Press operation key Library.
:: You can always return to the previous display by pressing
operation key Back.
:: Pre-programed profi les are divided into three groups according to
their requirement level (Demanding, Medium, Easy). Each group
has four pre-programed profi les. Select the required level.
4. The profi les are displayed once you have selected your
requirement level. Use the up/down setting keys to select a
workout; your selection is highlighted with a darkened
:: Press OK to confi rm your selections. A more detailed profi le is
then displayed.
5. Press operation key Start to begin the exercise. The black bar in the
on-screen profi le indicates which stage of the exercise you are at.
:: Press operation key End to fi nish the exercise.
Editing a pre-programed profi le
1. Press operation key Settings to modify profi le speed, elevation and
:: Use the up/down setting keys to adjust track speed: the percentage
value displayed below the profi le shows the changes you make.
:: Use the left/right setting keys to access elevation adjustment
(the arrow symbol appears beside the elevation profi le). Then
use the up/down setting keys to adjust the angle of elevation: the
percentage value below the profi le shows the changes you make.
:: Use the left/right setting keys to access exercise duration
adjustment (the arrow symbol appears beside the time). Then use
the up/down setting keys to adjust duration.
:: Press operation key Cancel to return to the previous display
without making any changes.
:: Press operation key OK to confi rm your changes. You cannot save
these changes, because they only apply to the exercise you are
working on.
Designing and storing your own profi les
1. Press function key Coach.
2. Press operation key Profi les.
3. Press operation key Own.
4. Select a memory position with the up/down setting keys.
:: Press Edit to confi rm your choice. A fl at, modifi able profi le is then
5. Press operation key Mode to select your training mode.
:: Select the desired heart-rate mode with the up/down setting keys.
The black cursor bar indicates the selected mode.
:: Press OK to confi rm your choice.
6. If you choose one of the constant heart-rate modes, use the left/
right setting keys to move the black cursor bar to the position you
want to edit. Use the up/down keys to do the editing, and to make
things easier, you’ll see that the surrounding columns also react
to the changes. Heart-rate levels are shown to the left of the profi le;
the numeric value beside the cursor bar indicates the heart-rate
that the position of the bar represents.
:: Press Edit again. Now you can set exercise duration with the
up/down setting keys.