M3291/3295 Utility on Windows
UH8W.EXE depends on the Intel IPMI Reference Driver. So users must
install it when using this utility.
About Intel IPMI Reference Driver installation, please refer to M3291/3295
1. LAN Configuration
1) IP Address
Users can set M3291/3295 IP Address as they want. Following is the
instruction about how to set IP with Tyan utilities.
“uh8d /ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
“./uh8l –I xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
“uh8w /ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”
2) M3291 MAC Address
Normally user need not set MAC address, but users need check if the MAC
address is right.
For Intel 82551 and 82546 NIC, M3291 use the same MAC address with
system OS. Tyan IPMI enabled BIOS will load it automatically. If not, user
can set it manually
For Broadcom 5704 and 5721 NIC, M3291 use the different MAC address
with system OS. Every M3291 will be assigned one unique MAC when
production. When users flash firmware, parameter “imac” will load this MAC
from M3291 and write to LAN Configuration.
3) M3295 MAC Address
M3295 uses dedicated management NIC. So user need not set MAC address
also. Parameter “imac” is Tyan utility also can be used to load M3295 MAC
and write to LAN Configuration.
4) Net Mask, Gateway and Broadcast ARP
Users need check if these parameter are correct.
If use Intel 82551 and 82546 as IPMI NIC, Broadcast ARP must be enabled