SDRAM (Static RAM): unlike DRAM, this type of RAM does not need to be
refreshed in order to prevent data loss. Thus, it is faster and more expensive.
Standby mode: in this mode, the video and hard drives shut down; all other
devices continue to operate normally.
UltraDMA-33/66/100: a fast version of the old DMA channel. UltraDMA is also
called UltraATA. Without a proper UltraDMA controller, your system cannot take
advantage of higher data transfer rates of the new UltraDMA/UltraATA hard
USB (Universal Serial Bus): a versatile port. This one port type can function
as a serial, parallel, mouse, keyboard or joystick port. It is fast enough to
support video transfer, and is capable of supporting up to 127 daisy-chained
peripheral devices.
VGA (Video Graphics Array): the PC video display standard
V-SYNC: controls the vertical scanning properties of the monitor.
ZCR (Zero Channel RAID): PCI card that allows a RAID card to use the
onboard SCSI chip, thus lowering cost of RAID solution
ZIF Socket (Zero Insertion Force socket): these sockets make it possible to
insert CPUs without damaging the sensitive CPU pins. The CPU is lightly
placed in an open ZIF socket, and a lever is pulled down. This shifts the
processor over and down, guiding it into the board and locking it into place.