USB IntelliHead Swipe Reader
Property ID is a one-byte field that contains a value that identifies the property. The following
table lists all the current property ID values:
Value Property ID Description
0 SOFTWARE_ID The device’s software identifier
1 SERIAL_NUM The device’s serial number
2 POLLING_INTERVAL The interrupt pipe’s polling interval
The Property Value is a multiple-byte field that contains the value of the property. The number
of bytes in this field depends on the type of property and the length of the property. The
following table lists all of the property types and describes them.
Property Type Description
Byte This is a one-byte value. The valid values depend on the property.
String This is a multiple-byte ASCII string. Its length can be zero to a
maximum length that depends on the property. The value and
length of the string does not include a terminating NUL character.
Property ID: 0
Property Type: String
Length: Fixed at 11 bytes
Get Property: Yes
Set Property: No
Description: This is an 11-byte read only property that identifies the software part number
and version for the device. The first 8 bytes represent the part number and the
last 3 bytes represent the version. For example this string might be
“21088835A02”. Examples follow:
Example Get SOFTWARE_ID property Request (Hex):
Cmd Num Data Len Prp ID
00 01 00
Example Get SOFTWARE_ID property Response (Hex):
Result Code Data Len Prp Value
00 01 32 31 30 34 32 38 30 34 41 30 32