Data Capture
VIPPS employs different methods of capturing textual and
photographic information to suit customer requirements.
Personnel data is entered directly, using the keyboard, or can
be transferred from an existing personnel database to provide
the information that is printed on the ID passes.
Photographs, signatures or logos are captured locally, using a
live video camera or scanner connected to the central computer,
or remotely, using a portable still camera. A PenPad signature
tablet is available for rapid capture of high quality signatures.
This is a major advantage for a customer who may have a large
mobile workforce or several different facilities around the
country as only one pass production facility is necessary, thus
allowing significant savings in time, capital expenditure and
staff overheads. Images are captured using standard composite
alternatively images can be imported via file import, webcams,
scanners or digital cameras.
Data Storage
Textual and digitised imaging data for each pass is held in the
computer database. This means that lost/expired badges can
be reproduced on demand without the need to re-photograph
employees or regular visitors. The data can simply be recalled,
the expiry or visit date entered, and the pass printed. Passes
are produced as and when required.
operator is able to review the badge design layout and image
prior to production through a “what you see is what you get”
(WYSIWYG) interface.
Permanent Passes
Permanent passes with colour photo IDs are printed directly
onto graphics quality cards that can be laminated if required.
Temporary Passes
produced in colour or black and white, with or without
photographic identification.
Machine Readable Passes
VIPPS can be used to encode permanent or temporary passes
with a unique machine-readable number. This number can be
be encoded onto specially pre-prepared cards (eg Smart Card,
produced and encoded on the same system. This is of prime
importance to a customer who wishes to issue permanent
passes to staff and allocate low cost temporary passes to
Data Transfer
The VIPPS Capture Station can be networked to a shared
database on a host file server. Images and text can be
transmitted from the central database over local and wide area
networks to various workstations at remote locations.
VIPPS is fully integrated into AC2000 or is available as a
Product specifications and availability is subject to change without notice. Certain product names mentioned herein may be trade names and/or registered
trademarks of their companies.
Wilson Chan