MM102014V1, Rev. G
If encryption is enabled and authorized on the radio, the user will be prompted to “Pls Login” with the *1
login command, a User ID, and password (DTMF microphone required, see Section 5.18).
1. Press *1 (Login command).
2. Enter the full 10-digit User ID.
3. Press the # key.
4. Enter the password. See the following NOTE.
• If the radio is configured for alpha-numeric passwords and the password has consecutive
duplicate numbers (“MES33” for example), enter # between
the consecutive duplicate numbers
so the radio will not
interpret the entry as a letter (“D” in this example).
• If the radio is configured for numeric-only passwords, do not enter # between duplicated
5. Press the # key twice.
The User ID may be remembered from the previous log-in. Refer to Section 5.4 for further details
regarding log-off commands. The password will be established before the radio is put into operation.
Contact the local OpenSky network administrator for more information.
If necessary, contact radio system administration personnel for log-in assistance and/or
radio-specific log-in instructions.
The *0## command de-registers the radio. Typically, it is automatically performed when correctly
powering down the radio (i.e., not just disconnecting the radio from vehicle power). Using this method,
the User ID is remembered by the radio so only the password is needed at next log-in. To manually log-
off, press *0## on the DTMF microphone’s keypad.
If a user is logged in using encryption features, it is necessary to log-off when encryption is no longer
To turn the radio off, push and hold the Power Button/Volume Dial for approximately one-half of a
second (exact time is configurable). The radio’s display fades to darkness. In a multiple control head
installation, turning off the last powered-up control head will also automatically turn off the radio.
Several user-selected radio settings (i.e., scan mode, volume, pre-set buttons, and side tone levels) are
maintained for the next operational session. At the next radio power-up, maintained settings will
automatically restore, along with the network personality settings. In multiple control head installations,
settings are maintained for each control head position.
If power is abruptly disconnected from the radio prior to executing the correct turn-off
procedure, user-selected radio settings and last-tuned channel information will be lost.
This can extend the time required for the radio to register with the network upon the
subsequent power-up.