Table 3. Local Mode Programming Instructions - Continued
Note: *Default Settings
Function Code(s) Operation Normal Indication Remarks
Note: Disabling all format tracks will not disable the secure or
programming operations.
Magnetic Stripe
Reader (MSR)
1. While in programming mode, at the Series 500 Keyboard numeric
keypad, enter Function code 09.
LED (2) turns on.
2. At Series 500 Keyboard numeric keypad, enter the applicable
number (1 through 4) to select magnetic stripe reader beeper
operation per list below.
1 = beep on good read for all enabled tracks
2 = beep on bad read for all enabled tracks
3 = beep on good or bad read of enabled tracks*
4 = no beep on good or bad reads
LED (2) turns off.
3. Program the next function code or exit the local programming mode
by entering 99 on Series 500 Keyboard numeric keypad followed by
ENTER or by swiping the Programmer's card. If using the optional
3-position keyswitch, move switch out of the AUX position.
Magnetic Stripe
Reader (MSR)
Channel 1,3
Prefix (10)
Separator (11)
Suffix (12)
Separator (13)
1. While in programming mode, at the Series 500 Keyboard numeric
keypad, enter applicable Function Code 10, 11, 12 or 13.
LED (2) flashes.
2. At the auxiliary keyboard, press the desired key or type the desired
key sequence. Note that the maximum number of key codes that
can be entered is limited to 24 - this is the equivalent to
approximately 12 key strokes.
If the Series 500 Keyboard
beeps and LED (2) turns off
while entering key codes at
the auxiliary keyboard, you
have exceeded 24 key codes.
Repeat steps 1 and 2.
3. At the Series 500 Keyboard, press ENTER.
LED (2) turns off.
4. Program the next function code or exit programming mode by
entering 99 on Series 500 Keyboard numeric keypad or by swiping