
Ultra Electronics Card Systems Quick Start Guide
MAGICARD Color Printer Page 33
Mag Encoding using the WINDOWS Driver
If you wish to use the magnetic encoder from within a WINDOWS application, create a text
string with a tilde (~) symbol at the beginning and place the string anywhere on the image,
using a black true type font.
For example, to encode the word "HELLO" on to Track 1 at 210 bpi on a HiCo card, the
instructions and data string placed on the image should be:-
The Magicard 300M printer allows you to encode HiCo and LoCo cards, at 75 or 210 bpi, on
any of the three tracks, at 5 or 7 bits per character, with complete freedom.
To ensure the encoded card is recognised by the swipe reader the encoded data must
comply with the ISO Standards. For copies of specifications contact:
11W. 42ND Street
New York, New York 10036
Tel: (212) 642-4900
Parallel Port Configuration
Non-ECP Operation
If you are using Windows 3.x or if you are using Windows 95 but are unfamiliar with the
process of reconfiguring your parallel port for ECP operation, we suggest you use the driver in
its “NON-ECP” mode. This is the default mode, and you do not have to do anything other than
install the driver to use it. The NON-ECP mode is compatible with Windows 3.x and Windows
95 and uses the parallel printer port in its conventional “Centronics” configuration. In this
mode download will take around 17 seconds.
ECP Operation
The ECP mode of the driver can be used only with Windows 95 and uses the parallel port in
its “Enhanced Capability” mode to provide a faster download time of around 7 seconds.
Unfortunately, although most PC’s are stated to be “ECP compatible” there are still many so
called compatible PC’s which cannot be properly configured to operate efficiently in ECP
mode, either because the interface hardware on the motherboard is incompatible, or because
the BIOS firmware does not fully support ECP mode.
There have even been some reports of Windows 95 itself containing bugs which interfere with
ECP operation under certain conditions.
To use this mode you need to select ECP mode for the LPT1 port using the control panel,
and you may also need to set up your BIOS to operate efficiently in ECP mode.
Which Mode Should I Use
Windows 3.x: Use the NON-ECP mode.
Windows 95: If you are unhappy about reconfiguring your computer’s BIOS, or are uncertain
whether your computer is fully ECP compliant, we suggest you use the NON-ECP mode.
You can always switch to the ECP version later when you are ready, or when you install new
system hardware.