Quick Start Guide Ultra Electronics Card Systems
Page 34 MAGICARD Sprinter Flip
Check the Installation:
Repeat the Installation Steps in this Guide.
Check that the Printer is selected to the correct mains voltage.
Check that all cables are correctly connected.
Check the Printer Setup in the WINDOWS Driver.
Check the dye film and cards are correctly loaded.
See what happens in the PrintMagic print manager (the icon appears on the Desktop
during printing and the print status can be checked).
Does the PrintMagic DeSpooler window appear on the application, and clear after
downloading the image to the printer, or does a red cross appear?
Does the ON LINE indicator flash during image downloading to the printer?
If the printer error indicators come on, which ones, and what is the flashing code?
Does the printer need cleaning? (Refer to the Section on this page)
For Further Assistance:
There are a number of useful Technical Bulletins on the MAGICARD WEB page at
http://www.ultra.co.uk/ultra/techbltn.html - you will need a User Name and Password.
If you do not have WEB access, copies can be requested from Customer Service. This is
the current list:
Bulletin No. Description
101 Networking Magicard Printers
102 Windows Drivers - Important Installation Information
103 Configuring your PC to use ECP Protocol
104 Setting-up Procedure for the MAGICARD 300plus Thermal Printhead
105 MAGICARD PCinside - Interconnection
106 MAGICARD PCinside - Installation of a CD-ROM Drive
107 MAGICARD PCinside - Selection of a Video Monitor
108 MAGICARD PCinside - Video Cameras and Frame Grabbers
109 ID Badging Software Packages for WINDOWS
110 MAGICARD Cleaning Procedures
111 International Safety Standards and the Magicard Range
Note: This List is updated frequently.
Call your local Dealer, giving the Model Number and Serial Number, a description of the
nature of the problem, and the flashing error codes if present.
Call the Ultra Magicard Customer Service Hotline number - +44 (0)1305 762115
In Case of