Unibrain Fire-i 580/780/785/980 Operation Manual Page 23
Read: Value=’1’ in operation
If A_M_Mode =1, this bit is ignored
ON_OFF [6] Write: ON or OFF this feature,
Read: read a status
0:OFF, 1:ON
If this bit=0, other fields will be read only.
A_M_Mode [7] Write: set the mode,
Read: read a current mode
0: Manual, 1:Auto
- [8..19]
Value [20..31] Value : Write the value in Auto mode, this filed is
If “ReadOut” capability is not available, read value
Has no meaning
3.3. Sharpness
This feature controls sharpness by enhancing the edges of image. By applying this feature the edge of the images is
sharpened against the ambient noise, which makes it more visible. The user can control the desirable level to obtain
the best result. If you do not prefer such signal manipulation, you may switch it OFF or set its value to ‘10’ (a value
of ’10’ equals turning OFF Sharpness).
For sharpness control inquiry and status register, follow the same definition as “BRIGHTNESS”.
3.4. White Balance
Color models have the white balance feature which can be controlled automatically or manually, U/R (Red/Green) and
V/B (Green/Blue) alter the degree to which Red and Blue CCD component pixels are weighed to form composite pixels.
In manual mode you can adjust the white balance by altering the Blue and Red Value. One push white balance option
can be used for a non-interactive calibration in addition. Currently automatic white balance features are not supported.
Inquiry Register
Address Name Field Bit Description
Presence_Inq [0] Presence of this feature
Abs_Control_Inq [1] Capability of control with absolute value
- [2] Reserved
[3] One push auto mode(Controlled automatically by
camera only once)
ReadOut_Inq [4] Capability of reading the value of this feature
On/Off_Inq [5] Capability of switching this feature On and OFF
Auto_Inq [6] Auto mode(Controlled automatically by camera)
Manual_Inq [7] Manual mode(Controlled by user)
Min_Value [8..19] Minimum value for this feature control
Max_Value [20..31] Maximum value for this feature control