Scroll to Review/Edit System and press E/yes.
Scroll to the System and press E/yes.
Scroll to Edit Sys Options and press E/yes.
Scroll to the following:
Review ID Avoids - Scroll to each ID and press E/yes to Stop Avoiding.
Clear All ID Avoids - At Conrm? press E/yes or ./no.
Clear All Avoids for Site or Department – Press Channel to hold on any System.
Press and hold Avoid.
Press Func then E/yes to start Quick Search at the current frequency.
(BCD536HP) Press Func then Vol. Press Func then Vol to exit.
(BCD436HP) Press Vol then Func then Vol. Press Vol to exit.
Set the P25 Threshold mode to Manual in Site Options or System Options for a
Conventional channel.
Press Func then Dept to hold on a Site or Channel to hold on a digital Channel.
The rst line on the display now shows the digital error rate and the decode threshold setting
(0-20). The second line on the display shows the decode threshold levels for the site.
Allow the scanner to monitor the site or channel for several minutes. The error rate should
drop for each transmission and the threshold levels should automatically adjust to a more
optimal setting. Then, once the threshold level settles to a stable setting, make a note of the
value. This is the site’s or channel’s optimum decode threshold.
Press Func and rotate the Scroll Control to set the MAN decode threshold start level to a
setting that most closely matches the system’s optimum decode threshold. Whatever you set
at this point will be remembered for this site as the starting point for the auto-tuning function
for subsequent transmission on site. See also P25 Threshold Level.
You can connect the scanner to a compatible GPS device and set the scanner to automatically
Avoid and Unavoid Departments and Sites based on your current location. This frees you from
having to manually enable and disable Departments and Sites as you change locations.
APCO Decode
Error Rate
P25 Condition