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Th~ UgC 1OOXLT is a high quality elearonic ra~io receNer. The following hinrs
should help you understand and enjoy your unIt.
1. Make sure the unit is curned off before removing (he battery pack. You may
want to record ehe programmed frequenCies before doing (his In case memory is
2. If memory is lost. simply reprogram each channel.
indicated by unfamiliar frequencies in each channel.
3. Ifstrong interference or electrical noise is rece!ved. you may ne~d eo relocate
your scanner. A hIgher eievaClonsuer, as che sec:Jnd Floormay provide oerrer
receptIon. An externaj antenna may also be reqUIred.
ivlemory loss NIl! be
J.. Whenever ehe keypad is used le ISimpertant co press Firmlyen :he cenrer or
each key.
5. 00 not use ehe scanner in hIgh mOlSLUreenvironment: SUChas [tie {/rchen or
(he barhroom.
6. Cean [he ourside of ehe cablnee with a mild aerergenc. 00 nee ~se abrasIve
cleansers or solvencs. Be careful not co rub LCO window area.
7 There are no user serviceable part InSide wIth ehe exc;ept:Jon of che battery
pack.. 00 not attempt any repaIrs except replacng battenes.
Battery Maintenance
NiCad batterIes can develop a condition known JS ',Ilemor,/' This concirIon can
limit ehe amount of battery power available. ToavoId chls conditIon. CheFollowIng
baaery maintenance steps should be practiced:
1. Every 2
-3 months ehe scanner should be left on [0 draIn all battery power. Be
sure co write down the programmed FrequenCIes ForreprogrammIng Nhen (he
batteries are charged.
2. Recharge the batterIes For 14-16 hours COInsure a Fullc.'large.
3. 00 not leave ehe charger plugged in Forlong perIods of Cime. 00 nee rec.r,arge
(he unIt unless it ne~ds it.