
"0" "" , '" .
To program 162.550 into channel 2:
Press 2 MAN
Press 1 6 2 . 5 5 0 E
To program 47 J.2375 into channel 7:
Press 7 MAN
Press 4 7 1 . 2 3 7 5 E
To search from J50 to J60 MHz
Your UBC 760XLT will then begin
searching the frequencies from J50 to
J60 MHz. Ifyou encounter a frequency
of interest, you can press the HOLDkey
to stop. If the scanner has already re-
sumed searching, press HOLD and
then use the HOLD and LIMITkeys to
step the frequency up or down. (HOLD
to step up, LIMITto step down).
Youcan also program the channels di- .
rectly from the search function. To do
this, firstgo to the channel numberyou
wish to use, and then begin the search
function as described above. When
you encounter a frequency that you
wish to save, press HOLDto stop, and
then press E (enter) to save the fre-
quency. If you wish to repeat the
procedure for another channel, go to
that channel and resume searching.
To select or deselect a channel
When a bank number at the top of the
display is visible, it means that the
numbered bank is currently selected.
When it is not visible, it means that the
bank is deselected. While the unit is
scanning, pressing the appropriate
number key will select or deselect the
desired bank.
Search - Use the search mode to look
for new active frequencies within the
bands of your scanner.
Enter the lower limit frequency on the
keypad and press the limit key;
Enter the higher limit frequency and
press the limit key again.
These two frequencies set the range
that the unit will search. Press the
search key to start searching. Ifan ac-
tive frequency isfound the scanner will
stop to monitor the signal. Press the
hold key to hold the search on this fre-
quency. Press the hold key again to
step up to the next frequency or press
the limit key to step down to the previ-
ous frequency. When the signal stops
the unit will continue searching. Press
the manual key to leave the search
The following is a brief description of
the operational features of the UBC
Manual Channel Selection - To
manually select a channel, press the
manual key repeatedly until the de-
sired channel number appears in the
Press the channel number you wish to
access, then press the manual key. The
scanner will automatically advance to
the desired channel regardless of the
bank status.
Lockout - Select the channel to be
skipped. Press the lockout key. The
lockout indicator will appear in the dis-
play whenever that channel also ap-
pears. To take lockout off press the
lockout key on that channel. The lock-
out key also functions to eliminate any
locked out channels within a certain
bank. Simplypress the lockout key for
about 2.5 seconds to "Clear" the entire
YourUniden Bearcat 760XLThas been
provided with the ability to program 5
frequency bands LJ to L5. Toprogram
these frequency bands it is only neces-
sary to input an upper frequency and a
lower frequency to specify a search
range within one band (66 - 88, J08 -
136, J36 - J74, 350 - 5 J2, or 806 -
In the following example, the pro-
gramming ofone frequency band on L2
will be initiated.
Priority - When it is important to keep
track of the activity on one frequency
while listening to others, the priority
function should be used. Program the
important frequency into channel one.
Pressthe priority keyto activate the pri-
ority function. Every2 seconds the unit
will check channel one for activity Ithe
priority indicator willappear in the dis-
play). Ifa transmission isfound the unit
will monitor that channel. Ifno signal is
found, the unit will return to the previ-
ous channel and function. Press the
priority key again to turn off the priority
function. When priority is on, the au-
dio may be periodically interrupted.
Press: [!J[j] 1iIG1[j]/j] ~
Read: L2 118.150
(one limit entered)
Press: l]~~Q~[j] I L 21
Read: L2 134.250
(second limit is entered)
press:IL21(start searching from Iow
limit frequency to high limit fre-
Once you have programmed 5 differ-
ent bands in L1to LS,you activate ~he
scanning of this bands by simply press-
ing LJ, L2, L3, L4, or LS.
Every other function that is described
in the search mode isalso active in the
loop mode, except that you have to ac-
tivate the scan by pressing the L(1..5)