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From the moment you purchased this VS2000XR Vehicle Security System, you
became a part of the UNIDE/~Jamily. You started taking advantage of over 23 years
of advanced security engineering. You joined a team of engineers, technicians,
designers, and people like yoyr~elf who know how important protecting your car is.
You discovered the UNIDEN difference.
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This difference is important bepause the VS2000XR is more than an alarm. It is
complete peace of mind. It is knowing that your car is protected around the clock by
its own security guard- one that never sleeps, never takes a break. '
But even the best security systems will not work correctly without careful installation.
For greatest security, installatiol1 byyour professional UNIDEN dealer is strongly
recommended. He understangs, both his alarms and your needs, and will work hard.
to ensure the VS2000XR does'its job for you.
i I'!
Welcome to the family: UNIDE,~~ your dealer, and you!
, I ~I '
I .
The information and specifications printed in this manual are current at the time of
publication. However, the UNIDEN policy is one of continual deve10pment and
improvement. For this reason, UNIDEN reserves the right to change specifications
without notice.
Copyright @ 1993 UNIDEN. All rights reserved. This material may not be
reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, without the written permission of
This Vehicle Security System is protected by patents in U.S.A., Great Britain,
~ermany and Taiwan, and pat~~ts are pending in Japan and Korea.
Installation of a sophisticated vehicle security system like the VS2000XR is a very
complicated procedure. For best results, please talk to your UNIDEN dealer about
professional installation. ' . .
NOTE: This alarm is designed to protect your entire car and its contents. But
remember that every car is diffe~ent, and it may be necessary to add sensors or
accessories not included with this alarm system. Also, even though this alarm
offers a high level of security and convenience, the level of protection and the
features your alarm offers depend on how it was installed. Therefore, please ask
your dealer to clearly explain'the protection and features of your alarm after
, I
The VS2000XR alarm system contains many innovative features and unique
functions. Please read the operation manual carefully in order to understand all of
the protection and convenie~c~ ~eatures that are offered.
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