20 unigreen
Elettroil connection to quick-fit couplings of the tractor
Tank Hydraulic pump
Oil level
These are made in of steel painted with epoxy paint or hot galvanised. The jet
booms are made of stainless steel with the jets mounted normally ever 50 cm.
All of the booms are folded onto the central body and the external arms have
safety joints to prevent breakages.
In the case of a knock the boom bends to avoid the obstacle and normally re-
turns to the working position automatically. In any case the operator should try
to avoid knocking against objects as this could damage both the boom and the
obstacle in time; all the more so if the two elements get stuck.
Check that no one and nothing is in the area where the booms will open; par-
ticular attention should be paid to the presence of any electric power lines.
WARNING: limit movements when in proximity of power lines so as not to
exceed a height of 4 meters.
The hydraulic plant can be fed from the hydraulic pump of the tractor or be
fully independent.
- The hydraulics are controlled by a hydraulic distributor with mechanical or
electro-hydraulic controls and switches in the cabin.
- All of the controls on both versions are sustained action controls and each
lever or switch has a pictogram of the relevant operation it controls.
See the enclosed handbook for instructions on the use of the electrohydraulic
version (Elettroil).
WARNING: with hydraulic booms, don’t stand in the range of action of the
Pay attention to the integrity and efficiency of the hydraulic components and in
particular to the pipes to prevent the risk of bursting.
Do a full check on the pipes and components at least once a year, we
recommend replacing hydraulic pipes every 3-4 years.
In this case there is a tank, a filter and a hydraulic pump fitted with a flange
behind the main pump of the sprayer.
IMPORTANT:The entire plant is designed to be used at 540 RPM. Periodically
check the oil level in the tank and avoid filling it over 3/4 full as the oil might
The tank has a filler cap with a breather, when the need arises (for repairs or to
replace a component) you can drain the oil by disconnecting the suction pipe
of the pump and collecting the oil in a recipient.
WARNING: the oil used mustn’t be dispersed in the environment and must be
collected in the relevant containers.
Consult the use and maintenance manual of the tractor.
Connect the delivery and discharge quick-fit coupling to the respective
connections, respecting the direction of flow.
= On booms that have a direct connection to the quick-fit couplings, each pair
of couplings feeds a cylinder.
= For booms equipped with EDR electro-deviators, follow the diagram of the
couplings supplied.
= For manual or electric distributors (Elettroil), the distributor inlet pipe is
connected to the aluminium flow separator valve next to the distributor (see
The flow separator must be adjusted correctly so it send less than 4-5 L/1° to
the distributor.
To prevent the cylinders moving at a dangerous speed, adjust the relevant
chokes near the cylinders. If the registration ring nuts aren’t visible then fixed
chokes are fitted. The chokes are fitted on the discharge line of the movement
to slow.
Any impurities in the oil could block the chokes and as a consequence block
the cylinder; remove the dirt if necessary.
The maximum pressure valves of the distributors are regulated to a pressure
of around 150 bar.
To prevent the excessive heating of the oil we recommend supplying the