18 © 2007 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Configuration: Decoder
Configuration: Decoder > Video
The VBrick decoder is used to uncompress MPEG streams and display them on a TV or
Decoder Video
The format can be configured to be NTSC (30fps), PAL (25fps) or
PAL-M (30fps). PAL-M is a video format standard used in Brazil. The
main difference between PAL and PAL M is a lower resolution (525
lines instead of 625) and a higher frame count (30 frames per second
at 60Hz versus 25 frames per second at 50Hz). Note: Changing and
applying this parameter will cause the VBrick to reset.
Logo Display Lets you display the VBrick logo on the decoder output (monitor).
VBrick provides a Logo Customization Utility (available on the
website) if you want to create an individualized logo.
No Data Mode This allows setting the screen for a decoder with no video input to
having either the last screen appear either frozen or blank.
Closed Caption This setting enables or disables closed captioning. Closed Captioning
does not operate when the Picture in Picture feature is selected. It is
necessary to disable PIP. In SIF mode only CC1 and CC2 are valid.
CC3 and CC4 fields are not supported.
PID MPEG-2 transmits its data in packets of 188 bytes each. At the start
of each packet is a packet package identifier (or PID) that identifies
the data stream associated with that packet. Because the MPEG-2 data
stream might contain multiple video programs, the decoder has to
choose a particular video channel to play. The PID selection provides
that feature. If the user selects the automatic option, the first video
PID identified will be used to select the video channel.