MPEG-2 Configuration
VBrick MPEG-2 Appliance Admin Guide 23
Picture in Picture By checking the Box this will enable the Picture-In-Picture display.
PIP Location Picture-In-Picture can be any of the following 5 locations: top left,
top right, bottom left, bottom right and center.
PIP Horizontal
The Picture-In-Picture horizontal size can be changed to any of the
following 4 sizes – full, half, quarter, thumbnail.
PIP Vertical Size The Picture-In-Picture vertical size can be changed to any of the
following 4 sizes: full, half, quarter, thumbnail.
Brightness (0 – 15) The luminance is the information about the varying light
intensity of an image, is best described as brightness. Default = 0.
Saturation (0 – 15) The saturation is the spectral purity or intensity of a color.
Default = 8.
Hue (-16 to +15) The hue is the attribute by which a color may be
identified within the visible spectrum. Hue refers to the spectral
colors of red, orange, yellow, green blue and violet. Default is 0.
Adding hue reduces the saturation. Note that the Picture in Picture
display will override the display of Closed Caption Text.