Wireless Settings
4.3 Wireless Advanced Settings
© 2008 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
Activating any of the three WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) options in the Wireless
Advanced Settings screen generates a “Wireless WPA Settings” screen. The three
WPA options use identical procedures to activate, although WPA2 provides
stronger security than standard WPA. AnyWPA activates both WPA and WPA2.
There are two levels of WPA. “Pre-Shared Key (PSK) for Home Network” is
for home network security. To set up a PSK (Pre-Shared Key), enter 8-63
alphanumeric characters in the text box. All wireless-enabled devices must
support WPA and know the PSK to join the network.
The “Group Key Interval,” “Server IP Address,” “Port,” and “Secret” text boxes are
enterprise network specific, and should only be accessed by an information
systems professional. See “WEP+802.1x” on the previous page for more
When finished with this screen, click Apply to save all changes. To return to the
Wireless Advanced Settings screen, click Back.