Wireless DSL Gateway User Manual
Chapter 7 Configuring Parental Controls
To modify Internet privileges (Web, FTP, Newsgroups, etc.) for the computers on
the network:
1. Select the computer’s network name from the “PC Name” drop-down menu.
2. Select the Internet service(s) to be blocked by clicking in the appropriate
check box.
3. Click Apply to block the selected service from the selected computer.
Website Blocking
Selecting Website Blocking in the Parental Control screen generates the “Website
Blocking” screen. This feature enables the Gateway to block Web sites to any or all
computers on the network. To block a Web site, select the computer name from
the “PC Name” drop-down menu. Then, enter the address of the Web site to be
blocked in the “Website” text box and click Add. The blocked Web site address will
be displayed in the “Blocked Website List” text box, and will not be available to the
selected computer on the network. To block the Web site from another computer
on the network, repeat the process. To remove a blocked Web site, click on it in the
“Blocked Website List,” then click Remove. When finished, click Apply.