
HX760SPage 28
When a transmission is received on the channel “16”, the radio receives
the channel “16” until the incoming signal disappears.
When a transmission is received on the channel “09”, the radio watches
the channel “16” while receiving the channel “09”.
3. The Triple Watch feature will resume when the incoming signal disappears
at the end of the transmission.
4. Press the
key to stop the Triple Watch feature and return to
normal operation.
To return to the Dual Watch operation, repeat the “6.13.1 SETTING UP TRIPLE
WATCH FEATURE”, selecting “
d-” in step 5.
Channel 16 is known as the Hail and Distress Channel. An emergency may be
defined as a threat to life or property. In such instances, be sure the trans-
ceiver is on and set to CHANNEL 16. Then use the following procedure:
1. Press the PTT (Push-To-Talk) switch and say “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday.
This is _____, _____, _____” (your vessel’s name).
2. Then repeat once: “Mayday, _____” (your vessel’s name).
3. Now report your position in latitude/longitude, or by giving a true or mag-
netic bearing (state which) to a well-known landmark such as a navigation
aid or geographic feature such as an island or harbor entry.
4. Explain the nature of your distress (sinking, collision, aground, fire, heart
attack, life-threatening injury, etc.).
5. State the kind of assistance your desire (pumps, medical aid, etc.).
6. Report the number of persons aboard and condition of any injured.
7. Estimate the present seaworthiness and condition of your vessel.
8. Give your vessel’s description: length, design (power or sail), color and
other distinguishing marks. The total transmission should not exceed 1
9. End the message by saying “OVER”. Release the PTT switch and listen.
10. If there is no answer, repeat the above procedure. If there is still no re-
sponse, try another channel.